Talent Calibration

High flyers' nurtured to lead the company in the future


Talent review meetings

A talent review is a meeting to engage more senior business leaders in sharing and discussing talent information, often part of an overall succession management process. Compared to talent calibration sessions, talent reviews provide an opportunity to discuss talent at a greater level of depth and focus.


Talent calibration

A Talent Calibration session is a meeting among managers to discuss, assess, validate, and agree upon talent decisions for each of their direct reports

People congruent with their values will win the race Most congruent wins the race
Any time when an individual's duties are aligned to their vision, you don't need to motivateIs inspired
If the duties doesn't match the vision, you need to motivateThe do it because the DREAM it
Leaders emerge when their highest values are realisedAchieve

Talent review results

Various views & reports are available



Check the end result of the reviwes of an individual



The calibrations of individuals may also be plotted to ascertain the overall status of the team. This could be used to identify high flyers, highlight specific short-comings and assist in defining where collaborations between the individuals will improve the team's overall effectiveness.